How I Got Pregnant at 42 with Goron Tula Fruit — a Natural Miracle

4 min readJun 20, 2024


In a world where expensive IVF treatments often dominate conversations about conception, natural solutions like the Goron Tula fruit (or azanzagarckeana) offer a beacon of hope. This small brown fruit, known in various African cultures for its sexual health benefits, has recently gained attention in the Western Hemisphere for its potential to enhance fertility.

Today, I’ll be sharing how I benefitted from being introduced to this fruit when I’d lost almost all hope of being able to conceive. My story is a testament to this fruit’s miraculous properties, and I hope this can help other women to become mothers.

My 41st birthday in May 2023 was one of the most depressing days of my life. While I had two beautiful boys from my previous marriage, my second husband didn’t have any kids and I always wanted another child with him. We’d been trying for three years with no results and I’d told myself if it hadn’t happened by 40, I would give up. When my 40th birthday came around I persuaded myself I was technically still 40 until my 41st birthday. Well, my day of reckoning had finally arrived, and I felt miserable.

My hubby was out of town so I made plans to get drinks with a couple of friends. But instead of celebrating, all I could do was lament about how awful I felt because I had turned 41 and hadn’t conceived. I told the group that I was officially giving up.

My best friend Emma brought along a friend of hers called Ebi. Ebi is Nigerian and asked if I’d ever heard of Goron Tula fruit. She joked about it being an aphrodisiac in Nigeria but said it was the sort of aphrodisiac you could only take if you were on birth control unless you wanted to get pregnant. I was intrigued. I had read hundreds of articles about fertility and not once had I heard about this fruit.

My Experience Sourcing Goron Tula

Goron Tula is known as “snot apple” in English and its scientific name is azanzagarckeana. I did some research and found papers confirming it was a completely natural way to increase fertility and libido.

At this point, I had nothing to lose and bought some powder off Etsy. It was awful, tasteless, and full of gritty bits. I later discovered that most of the powder sold on Etsy is powdered whole fruit, including the seeds.

Next, I tried buying whole fruit from Ebay but the fruit I was sent was so dry that some of them didn’t have any nectar in them. I was about to give up entirely when I found a site that sold Goron Tula powder and specifically mentioned the seeds weren’t included. So, I decided to try one last time.

I began adding a heaped tablespoon of the Goron Tula powder to my morning smoothie and the taste and texture blended effortlessly. Since I liked the taste, I committed to trying it out for a month. It was certainly a cheaper option than attempting IVF or any other clinical treatment.

What Changes Did I Notice While Taking Goron Tula Powder?

The first thing I noticed after a week was how my libido had increased. While I loved my husband very much I have to say I wasn’t regularly in the mood for a “toss in the hay”. Within a week of taking the Goron Tula powder, my libido had dramatically increased.

The second change I noticed was in the consistency of my vaginal discharge. I hadn’t been having any for months, maybe even a year which had made it hard for me to tell when I was ovulating without checking an app. This physical development made me excited because I felt like I was “back in business”, so to speak.

Thirdly, my husband was all over me. According to him, I felt different down there and he loved the changes. With the new spring in my step, this wasn’t a problem for me and we became more intimate than we had been in a long time.

My Pregnancy with the Fertility-Boosting Fruit

I missed my period that July and almost went out of my mind with excitement. We waited for a week after the missed period to take a pregnancy test and lo and behold I couldn’t contain my joy when I saw the two lines light up on the pregnancy test. Who could have thought that just adding a simple fruit to my diet would make my life so sweet and complete? We welcomed a beautiful baby girl into our lives on the 15th of April 2024. I call her my miracle baby.

So, for those of you with no medical reason for not being able to get pregnant, or anyone a little older who fears their fertile days over, please reconsider. I would never have thought conception was possible after trying for so long but here I am, a mother again and completely besotted with my bundle of joy. Please don’t look past this fruit and the miracles it could bring into your lives.

